# Eyal Weizman / A civilian occupation: The politics of israeli architecture

Remember this post ? I was telling that I was about to write another about this book, A civilian occupation: The politics of Isreali architecture (Une occupation civile: La politique de l'architecture israelienne), and I actually never did.
This book has been designed and edited by Eyal Weizman, an isreali architect (who graduated in the AA) who center his work on the denunciation of israeli politics about settlements. In fact, Palestine West Bank is more and more colonized by jewish fundamentalists who therefore use architecture and urbanism as a strategical weapon. I am not really skilled to write about this issue althought I've seen by myself these outrageous secured settlements, but the best thing is definetely to read this book which gather analysis from architects, film director, photographers and journalists (all from Israƫl).Here is also a website about an architecture research called Decolonizing Architecture supervised by Weizman (a palestinian friend of mine is actually preparing her architecture thesis through this research, I hope to get some pictures and texts sometimes)And, as the former post was written in French, I found this translation of Weizman's article about Aviv Kochavi (Isreali General) who created military strategy of Walking through walls. Read it ! It's really really interesting


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