# Answer from Archdaily to the previous article

Answer from David Basulto, webmaster of Archdaily to the previous article called Broadcasting Architecture
>Dear Leopold,>>This is not the first time that people addresses the "editorial>line"t. First, I think that traditional publications and editorial>linnes are no longer valid when it comes to cover a broader aspect of the>lprofession. I even step aside from people too focused on that, who end>upr looking so inside of their head looking to fit everything under one>rurle, resulting in a disconnection from what is really happening.>>Regular publications often left outside a tremendous amount of work that>ies being produced around the world. We feel that it should be put on the>itable to shows the community what is being done. I rather feature a work>ithat some might say that is "a plain box, more of the same">buialt in Iran (a totally different context that in Europe or the US) and>bget criticized for featuring it along some project by established> architiecture practices, than not doing it.>>And actually, that became our editorial line. Plataforma Arquitectura,>the site that we started before ArchDaily, has a very active role on how>tthe profession is being developed in Latin America, becoming a valid>voic e on the recurring debates. This line has been replicated in>ArchDailny through our interviews. I wonder if you have seen them, as>theyD clearly have one line (the role of the architect on contemporary>socyiety).>>Also, keep in mind that this ranking is sorted by traffic (visitors) and> lhas nothing to with influence (altho it becomes related with traffic at> some point). >>I´m glad to see that ArchDaily operative becomes questionable, as this is>Isomething we wouldn´t question ourselves. And I´m glad you share your>quemstion with the rest of the world through your blog. >>best regards,>>>David Basulto>Editor>ArchDaily>Plataforma Arquitectura


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