# FIGHT WITH TOOLS /// Surveillance vs Resistance

Nowadays, living in western metropolis and not being monitored by any mean is becoming almost impossible. Without falling into the total plot paranoia, the potentiality for an authority to be able to survey any inhabitant of these cities is truly frightening. Balance between liberty and security is likely incontrovertible and a lot of industrialized countries seem to agree more and more to add weight in the security plate.Here are two examples of possible resistance against an orwellian world. First is a group called the Surveillance Camera Players which cleverly understood that you can't be killed while hugging your enemy. In fact, they are totally acknowledging the surveillance camera's presence and perform little plays in front of them. (see a video here)With the help of this same group and some others (New York Civil Liberties Union, Surveillance Camera Project, Eyebeam Atelier Workshop), the Institute for Applied Autonomy has developed a software called Isee Manhattan which list all video cameras in Manhattan and try as most as possible to propose ways not to be recorded.


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