# Transit-City / Urban & Mobile Think Tank

Unfortunately, this think tank and blog I am about to present has only its titles in English...
Transit-City is thus a think tank lead by François Bellanger about how the city evoluates thanks to mobility, fiction and catastrophes.For instance, I picked up this presentation text:
  • Et si la visite de Disneyland permettait de mieux comprendre la croissance de Las Vegas ? (What if a visit in Disneyland was allowing to understand better Las Vegas' growth ?)

  • Et si Nike et Apple étaient les vrais inventeurs de la mobilité urbaine de demain? (What if Nike and Apple were the real inventors of tomorrow's urban mobility ?)

  • Et si les mangas permettaient de mieux comprendre le succès de Toyota ? (What if mangas was allowing to understand better Toyota's success ?)

  • Et si c’était un jeu vidéo comme GTA San Andreas qui nous décrivait le mieux le futur ultra-violent des grandes métropoles nord et sud américaines ? (What if video games such as GTA San Andreas was the best medium to describe North and South American metropolis' hyper violent future ?)

  • Et si la fiction était le laboratoire de la réalité ? (What if fiction was the reality laboratory ?)

  • Et si la fiction jouait aujourd’hui le rôle qu’a longtemps eu l’utopie dans nos visions des villes du futur ? (What if fiction was currently playing the role that Utopia used to play for ages in our cities' visions the future ?)

This website is linked with a blog which presents a lot of similar topics than boiteaoutils but in a more developped way (but still in French...)http://www.transit-city.com/http://transit-city.blogspot.com/


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