# Futurism in Paris, an explosive avant garde in Beaubourg

Another very interesting current (until february 26th) exhibition in Pompidou Centre, is about how Italian futurism and French cubism influenced each other and eventually succeed to hybrid themselves during the beginning of the XXth century.Is futurist in his life:1. Whoever loves life, energy, joy, freedom, progress, novelty, functionality, speed.2. Whoever acts with instantaneous energy and does not hesitate by cowardice.3. Whoever, between two possible decisions, prefers the most generous one and the most daring one, towards improvement and individual and racial development.4. Whoever acts joyfully always turn towards tomorrow, without any remorse, without any pedantry, without any fake reserve, without any mysticism and without any melancholy.5. Whoever knows how to pass with agility from the most serious occupations to the most light distractions.6. Whoever loves life outdoor, sport, gymnastics, and heal each day the nimble force of his own body.7. Whoever knows, in useful times, to give a conclusive poke or slap(translation is mine so it may not be perfect...)Texts in Futurism are as important as painting or sculptures, therefore the bookshop ends the exhibition.Almost a century after, it is very important for us to observe the futurist's captivation for innovation and artefacts and how, by what Walter Benjamin did prophesy as an esthetisation of politic, this art movement took part in fascism ideology and great support for war:War ? Yes, war is our only hope, our reason for living, our only wish! Yes war ! War against you who die too slowly, and against all the dead bodies which block up our roads.
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Such intensity and integrity in art, is quite amazing to observe nowadays and I do recommend books which tried to gather all the futurist manifests (there are several !) like Jean-Pierre de Villiers' one which is unfortunately only in French...


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