# Recycled Toy Furniture by Greg Lynn in Venice's Biennal

Venice's Biennal's Golden Lion (Best Installation) has been won by Greg Lynn for his recycled toy furniture which continues his research about modular construction elements.I quite like the jury's explanation:The jury found Greg Lynn’s experimental recycled-toys furniture to best embody the Biennale theme of Out There: Architecture Beyond building. The jury took interest in those projects in which experimentation took on the character of research, and thus to redirect the naïve ambition to achieve a novel solution to a difficult problem in a single daring leap toward increasing the body of knowledge and technique that the entire field can continue to develop. Though remaining at the level of a provocation rather than a prototype, the recycled-toy furniture advances the digital-form problem to a new level that intrinsically engages traditional architectural concerns such as meaning, aesthetics, and advancing fabrication technology with the recycling, an issue of broad, immediate and pressing concern.
pictures found on dezeen


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